Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Agent installation on IIS

                                                                Agent on IIS

Review support matrix from CA depending on the release you install.
Check the compatibility depending on the siteminder release you would like to install on IIS

Before beginning the Installation and Configuration, It is advisable to do the necessary configurations in WAMUI
It is highly recommended to follow the documentation first; 

1.       Copy your Binary (.exe file for agent) from local machine to the server (Technically stage the binaries on the Server)                                       
2.       Right click and “Run as Administrator”
3.       Installation process will begin.
4.       Click next to continue
5.       Scroll down and click agree
6.       Change the install directory (Depending on the clients default location of installation)
7.       Review and finish the installation
8.       Restart your web Server
Navigate to CA_SiteMinder_Web_Agent_Install.log under install_config_info to confirm that there were no errors or warning during the installation.
Assign full permissions to the Log files so that the logs can be written when a user tries to access the application after configuration.
Right click – Properties- security- Click the usernames or Group and give full control.

Make sure you have these ready before you could start the configuration
1.       Name of the trusted host we would like to register with the policy server
2.       Admin username and password (account of the administrator who has the right to register the trusted host with the policy server)
3.       HCO
4.       IP addresses of the Policy Servers
5.       ACO
Once you gather all your requirements, you can start with the configuration of the agent.
1.       Locate Web Agent Configuration Wizard from the start menu (It appears only after the servers get restarted)
Navigate to ca-wa-config.exe
Generally WebagentHome\win64\install_config_info\ca-wa-config.exe
Win64 or Win32 depending on the system type (whether it is a 32 or a 64 bit operating system)
2.       Right click, run as administrator
3.       You can do the host registration now or later (But this needs to be done because agent needs to talk to the Policy Server)
4.       Now, give the credentials of Admin who has the rights to register the trusted hosts
5.       Specify any name as the Trusted Host Name (You will observe this under trusted hosts in WAMUI after configuration)
Specify the HCO as created in WAMUI
6.       Specify the IP addresses of the Policy Servers.
7.       Select the FIPS Mode settings. In general we prefer FIPS Compatibility Mode
8.       Specify the path and file name to store information regarding the Host Configuration. BY default the file name would be SmHost.conf

Trusted Host is thus registered with the Policy Server. Since we registered our host as the trusted Host, The agent can talk to the Policy Server

There are some common errors while you are registering as a trusted Host
You might get an error: Registration failed

Probable reasons:
You might have entered wrong information (Check your Admin user name and password, Policy Server IP address)
If you enter a Host name that already exists in the Policy Server, Error message will be thrown back saying that there is a trusted host that exists with this name.

If you have given everything correct, then telnet to the Policy server with any of the ports 44441, 44442, 44443 from the host server
If that doesn’t work, there might be an issue with the firewall which does not allow the host to communicate with the policy server, Open a firewall request to fix this issue.

Eg: telnet hostname 44441 (from command prompt)

You can also register trusted host manually

Navigate to the directory where you need the .conf file (SmHost.conf file) and run the smreghost tool as shown above to register the host manually. Orelse you can specify the name and path manually
Now that you are done with registering the trusted host, continue the configuration to configure the sites
1.       Select the sites to be configured.
2.       Enter the ACO name (the one that you already configured in Policy Server)
3.       Review the configuration summary and click install
4.       Check the box if you would like to enable the agent. (In general leave it unchecked)
5.       Finish the configuration.
Navigate to CA_SiteMinder_Web_Agent_ConfigLog.log to confirm the information you provided and make sure you do not have any errors or warnings.
Make sure to describe the path towards your log files and trace files in ACO before configuring.
Enable the Webagent, Restart IIS and try to access the protected site.
Since the Log file directory has full control, the log files will get updated and can be seen in the log file directory (Path mentioned in ACO). If you do not have the log files in the specified path, make sure to check the settings.
Web Agent (enable/disable):
1.       Path : Generally under Webagenthome\win64\bin\IIS\WebAgent.conf
a.       Open WebAgent.conf with notepad and edit the value of EnableWebAgent="YES" if you want to enable the agent
b.      Open WebAgent.conf with notepad and edit the value of EnableWebAgent="NO" if you want to disable the agent
2.       WebAgent.conf contains the version of the agent installed, details of the Host configuration file location and ACO name you gave at the time of configuration in addition to the option to enable or disable the agent.

Host Configuration File:
1.       Contains the information related to the registration of trusted host
2.       Generally the path will be Webagenthome\win64\config\SmHost.conf
3.       You can check the information related to the policy servers, HCO.
Log Files:
webagent.log: Can be named depending on the naming convention you follow.
Contains the configuration/ values you presented in ACO
                Logs the flow of events/ requests when a protected resource is accessed.

Logs to check for troubleshooting
Policy server Logs:
1.       Smaccess.log                            
2.       Smps.log
3.       Smtracedefault.log
Webagent Logs:


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